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What is E-Commerce Site?

Moving your shop you are selling to the digital environment is called e-commerce in the rough sense. Today, while only people around you can visit your shop, people from all over the world can log in to your e-commerce site. E-Commerce emerged in 1995 with the transfer of commerce to the electronic environment.

What is the Purpose of E-Commerce Sites?

It is a website created for businesses to deliver their products or services to more people and to lose less time in this process.

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    Why Should I Have an E-Commerce Site?

    Today, if the average number of visitors to your shop is 50 per day, this number can increase 100 times on your website. If you only serve with your location and sell products, you can also serve abroad with the e-commerce site and even sell products to the whole world. With the add-to-cart method, the user can reach the desired product in three steps, by adding the product to his cart, typing in the address information and selecting the payment method determined from the payment section, with the add-to-cart method very quickly. This shopping made by the consumer from the place of residence has many positive aspects both by the seller and the consumer.

    You can display the products you sell by creating showcases according to categories on your e-commerce site, just as you display them in your shop. In addition, you can reach more visitors by making campaigns and discounts. You can view and communicate with the information of users who are members of your site in a very comfortable way. The user can review the product before purchasing, read the comments, this feature is always a plus point for the e-commerce site. The quality of the images you share will be at a sufficient level, which will increase your sales even more.

    If you have an e-commerce site, you will definitely see it in your monthly and annual income. You can check your sales from your admin panel and see the analysis of the most viewed products. You can make campaigns on these products and have more customers.

    E-Commerce Site What are the Package Contents?

    • Web Domain Name
    • Web Site Hosting, Database Area
    • Corporate E-Mail Accounts
    • E-commerce site themes for your business
    • User Registration Module
    • User Login Module
    • Add to Cart Module
    • About Us, Contact Etc. Pages
    • Payment at Door Module
    • Remittance Payment Module

    • Payment Module with Virtual Pos
    • Product/Category Module
    • On-site Seo Module
    • SSL Certificate Owner
    • Periodically Free Backup
    • Adding Administrator or Authorized User
    • Corporate Logo Design
    • In-site Slider and Banner Design
    • Professional Content Management
    • Blog Page Management and more…

    How does Process Works?

    The creation time of your e-commerce site varies according to the field you work in. After starting the work in the specified area, we install the modules you want. After all processes are completed, shopping is done as a test process. We will contact you and discuss the areas that need to be revised. Once we are sure that there is no software or visual error on your e-commerce site, your site will be opened to all users. After all these processes, your e-commerce site will be ready to be used.
